A Required Artist Date

I am involved in a 5 week coaching class to help me get clear on my business goals and take massive action to get there. Each week we will be having assignments to do throughout the class. One of the assignments is something the coach calls artist’s dates. You take yourself out. Your having a date with yourself to learn who you are and to fall in love with yourself. It’s to be a new experience, try new food, paint a picture, read a new type of book or something we would not normally do. So I put this out within my group of friends and they came up with several great ideas. One of them mentioned a new art studio that opened up in a nearby town (http://www.acmeartmokehill.com) that holds different types of classes. I looked them up and found they were having something called a SoulCollage class so I signed up.

The class description told me “SoulCollage is a creative process using images, intuition, imagination and the ability to cut and paste. Anyone can create a meaningful, healing and beautiful collaged card that reveals a part of their inner life. The number of cards to create is endless as we have so many aspects to who we are. In this workshop you will create at least one SoulCollage card and learn something about this amazing, creative process.”

Our card project was to tell about our “wild side”. We started with a quiet moment of guided meditation. You were then encouraged to imagine yourself going through a door and on the other side of the door you would meet your wild self. We were then directed to tables with tons of torn up catalogs and whatnot. We were instructed to find a face that just spoke to us out of the abundance of pictures and photos provided. We then needed to pick out a background for our card. These things were represent our wild side and the opening we passed through to get there. After we were done making the card we had to study it and explain it to the others in the class. We then had to use our imagination and our intuition to fill in the following statements.

I am the one who….

I want you to know….

The picture below is of my card.


The bottom face represents the face everyone sees. Stating “I am the one who” the world sees. I project a serene demeanor. I am peaceful and calm. The top face represents the hidden away wild side. Stating “I want you to know” that I am seldom seen. It is okay to laugh with glee and abandonment. Laughing and having fun with life is something you should do more often.

I have no idea why the psychedelic bus is there except that it was calling out to me in some way. I admit I went into this assignment thinking it was really kind of a hokey thing to do but came having had an enlightening experience. I would suggest this as a wonderful, fun, insightful project for anyone wishing to expand their spiritual, mental and emotional self-awareness. In fact it is probably something I will do some more of.


My new walking partner

So I have my fitbit and I am trying to walk more to be healthier. I try to get in a walk each day with my Gabby girl, she’s a dobie. We have a hill (think small steep mountain) behind our house that one day we have hopes of putting a house on so Gabby and I like to walk on the roughed in road. We have fruit trees and bees at the top of the hill in a fenced area that we like to check on. At least that is my reason for traversing this chunk of dirt and rock. So Gabby and I have been walking up and down our hill usually once a week for several months now. Here about a month ago the cat decided to join us. Why, I have no clue. But she likes to run about fifteen to twenty feet out in front of me and then she flops over on her back and waits for me to pass. Then here she comes again. She zooms by and repeats the process. The first time she decided to join us she only went a little ways up the hill. Now she goes most of the way up and back down with us, about a mile and a quarter. She is not fond of the goats however and will hide in the brush until they have checked us out and left. Maybe the cat wants to be healthy also.

Miss Meowie zooming by.

Miss Meowie zooming by.

Miss Moewie on the trail.

Miss Meowie on the trail.

BOUGHT – The Story Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma and Your Food

Bought Movie

In Case You Missed It…
“Bought” Experts Webinar REPLAY Below!!

Hi Kathy Mathre,

Thank you to everone who was on the webinar yesterday – wow, was it informative!

In case you missed it, Dawn Loughborough and I discussed a number of highly charged, very current topics surrounding Vaccines and Your Family’s health.


Click Here To Watch Webinar Replay


Stay tuned for registration details on next week’s webinar – trust me, you definitely won’t want to miss it!

Lastly, if you haven’t watched Bought yet, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?

Watch Bought Now while it’s still available!!



Jeff Hays

P.S. If you haven’t heard, we have an amazing Facebook Group called “Take Charge: Vaccines, GMOs, and Big Pharma”.

Head on over and continue the conversation with hundreds of others that are just as passionate as you are – can’t wait to see you there!